Opening Dates on our Twitter - Every second SundayOpening hours 6pm-8pm GMT+8Tonberry | Lavender beds| W25 P16

The Next Event

Our humble Saloon will be opening on the 29th of September!
Follow us on Twitter to stay connected!@HighNSaloonFF14

About Us


By Yana Tumet

Though rewarding, not everyone in Eorzea is capable of handling the Mudpie initiation. To become a full-fledged Howdy means devoting a good portion of your life and being, just to be initiated. We understand that not many would like to involve themselves completely into the Free Company. However, at the request of the mudpies at the saloon, the leaders of Boi Howdy have invented a temporary method of bestowing aspirants on the wonders of having their own mudpie companion!Using the special leather, a non-Howdy would be able to obtain most of-- if not all-- the benefits of having their DNA stored. Our leatherworkers have fashioned the iconic cowboy hat, made completely of this enchanted leather. For as long as said person is wearing a hat, they shall inhibit the same level of regenerative abilities as a true-blue or brown Howdy*!

*Caution advised -- do not to stray from the Highnoon Saloon, as the binding magicks only extend so far. Since the hat acts merely as a conduit to the mudpie's abilities, patrons may only enjoy the benefits of surviving a deathroll while inside the Free Company's establishment. As such, the leaders of Boi Howdy advice any deathroll duels conducted outside the grounds to have a licensed Chirurgeon, or a mage adept in healing, close by.


By Tomyris Azariah

Many think our initiation is just a formality but it's actually far more in depth than that. When a new member partakes in the holy communion the mudpie assigned to them during the ceremony binds to their soul and remembers their DNA for as long as that person is linked with their mudpie. The relationship formed between the initiate and their mudpie is crucial to becoming a true member of the Boi Howdies. Upon it's owner's untimely demise, the mudpie slides into action, quickly enveloping the head of it's owner and stabilizing the body's rapidly decaying life force. Swiftly it uses it's stored memory of their owner's DNA to rapidly repair and resuscitate cells inside the body. Capable of repairing even the deadliest of injuries so long as there's even a finger left of a Howdy, they are able to be restored by their mudpie.

Along with their macabre ability to restore the dead, mudpies have many other amazing abilities, such as: Using them to tan leather for cowboy hat making, waste disposal, brewing our famous "Piss on the Rocks", emergency heat source, travel companion and it's body provides protection from the sun and moisturizes skin, just rub the mudpie over your exposed skin and never worry about sunburn again.

A Mudpie resurrecting their fallen host.

Now, you may wonder; "Where do all these mudpies come from?" Well, whilst we can't reveal exactly where they come from, we can at least explain their life cycle. It all starts with the Great Mudpie Reservoir, located right under our very saloon, our elders speculate that a lone mudpie fell into this once great chasm and began to rapidly expand, though many failed attempts of recreating this phenomenon leads us no closer to understanding why this occurred to begin with, perhaps it's some rare chemical in the waters located under the saloon. Once every year, this mudpie reservoir fills to its brim, whereupon we open the mudpie birthing canal, letting the new baby mudpies spew forth, until the reservoir is all but dry. The freshly harvested mudpies are quickly taken to the secret mudpie testing facility where we ensure each mudpie is capable of performing its companion duties.

A Mudpie emerging from the Mudpie Birthing Canal, ready for harvest.

If a mudpie is deemed incapable of performing such tasks, they are churned down into a goo, please note that mudpies do not feel pain and turning them down into a goo is perfectly humane and vegan, in fact studies have even shown that defective mudpies exhibit happy behavioural patterns when being churned down into goo. The mudpie is a loyal creature and even in it's death it is pleased to know it will serve it's creator. The goo harvested from the mudpie can be used as fertilzer for gardening, a termite repelling wood varnish and even baked down in the oven to form an animal-free equivalent to leather, the mudpie is truly a ubiquitous creature.

A Mudpie being taken to his final resting place as mulch.

Additionally, after many painstaking years of experimentation, we have created an additional means of self-preservation. This sinister and morally questionable method of revivification should only be used in absolute emergencies. Sometimes when a Howdy meets their untimely end, mudpie is either absent or unable to repair what's left of a member. As such, mudpie's mental link with its owner severs, notifying the mudpie of its owner's demise. Reflexivly, mudpie will go into a sort of searching mode, seeking out any fresh body, be it dead or alive, and begin to destroy it's DNA, quickly swapping out the bodies cells for its owners, though this often comes with varying results, as mudpie cannot fully wipe the original body's DNA, this results in a person often changing appearance, race or even gender.However, if a mudpie is given enough time, it can fully rewrite someones DNA and create identical clones of it's master. Because of this, some Howdy members prefer to have their mudpies stay at the Saloon, living down in the Lab beside the Mudpie Birthing Canal. There, they spend their idle hours prepping and maintaining identical bodies for any member who would meet their fate.

Member's of Howdy accessing the Labs.

This rather questionable method of preservation is how Howdy members are able to shift their appearance seemingly at will, though having mudpie recreate your body from scratch is certainly without it's drawbacks. When a Howdy member perishes and is forced to reincarnate via this method, their short term memory is lost, spanning back a few weeks to even months.Additionally, their motor functions are rather poor as they have to learn to walk and speak again, though this process is often quite fast. Finally, once all is said and done, the Howdy member is primed and ready to go, setting back out on the trail once more, their mind at ease knowing mudpie will always keep them safe.

A member of Howdy emerging from the Mudpie Birthing Canal after discovering the secret of immortality.

The Motherpie (Golden Pie)

By Tomyris Azariah

Very little is known about Motherpie, she was discovered by the Howdy Survey Corps prior to their disbandment, all known records of Motherpie were destroyed inside a mysterious fire. Now dwelling deep in the furthest reaches of the Mudpie Birthing Canal, Motherpie's sole purpose is to produce fresh mudpies for the Howdys to put to use. In addition to fresh mudpies, Motherpie produces another extremely rare type of mudpie, dubbed 'Goldenpie'.These rare creatures only spawn once every few months, they're tasked with guarding the underground lab hidden deep within the Mudpie Birthing Canal where we conduct our experiments and maintain our cloned bodies. However, on rare occasion, a Goldenpie is awarded to esteemed guests or members of Howdy.Although, the Motherpie itself is capable of bestowing it's own esteemed award. Only those worthy of Motherpie's presence are allowed to enter her chambers, if someone who isn't worthy tries to enter, they will evaporate on the spot with no way to return.

CCTV footage of the Goldenpie in the Mudpie Birthing Canal .

Photo Rooms

If you wish to rent a Photo Room please speak with our Barkeep.
Room fees are 100k for one hour.

Room 1 Sheriff's Gaol

Jail Cells, Beds, Couch

Room 2 Luxury Suite

Double bed, Fire, Couch, Table

Room 3 Cozy Barn

Hay beds, Loft, Cozy lights

Staff List

Just as Grandmama toiled and worked for the hearth and home, without pay or promise of compensation, so too, do we come together for more than just Gil.All official staff members are entirely volunteers for the Highnoon Saloon.

Click on a staff member's name to view their bio!

Away on the road

Whether it is hitting the trail, or going off on their own adventures.The following staff members may not always be around all the time.But they may return.

Our Menu

What is "Piss on the Rocks"?

By Tomyris Azariah

Mudpies are the secret behind the Howdie's "Piss on the Rocks". They average about 34 degrees Celsius in body temperature.The optimal temperature for the standard cultured distiller's yeast used by most Scotch whiskey distillers to convert the fermentable sugars into alcohol is 34 degrees Celsius. This is known as the 'peak temperature'. Now we can't disclose every detail about the brewing process, as that's a trade secret, however we can say we use only the finest resources for our specialty blend. It starts with a secret golden base, poured into the Mudpie itself, along with a thick syrupy liquid.After this we add our eleven secret herbs and spices, along with a special ingredient only Mudpie knows. After a few days of fermenting we squeeze the 'Piss' out of the Mudpie, before rehydrating him with a fresh batch of ingredients. With the freshly harvested 'Piss' we quickly distil it in house before leaving it to barrel age for about 18 months. After the aging process is complete, simply pour over ice and enjoy.Some people have claimed they and we quote: "Enjoy the piss straight from the 'pie." Whilst there is claim that drinking it fresh tastes better, we at Boi Howdy do not recommend drinking the 'Piss' straight from the Mudpie, as this can cause Mudpie stress and affect the final taste of the product, what's more there could be harmful bacteria and pathogens that would normally be killed during the distilling process.

Live Music

Please feel free to sit and enjoy the live music played on the stage by one of our performers. If you want to make a song request please speak to the Barkeep and choose from our provided list of songs.


This is a simple game of Texas Hold'em played through a third party browser. Minimum buy-in is 50k and maximum buy-in is 150k. Send a trade with the amount you wish to bet and the dealer (Yellow Icon) will provide you a link to the poker table. After you're finished feel free to cash out.Two players are required to start a game, feel free to enjoy the bar & lounge until then.

Past Events

Highnoon Saloon's Summertime County fair!

Kith's Dungeon World FFXIV DnD adventure!

Highnoon Saloon at SCAM 3.0!

Highnoon Saloon PRIDE month!
09/06/2024 - 23/06/2024

VOUIX: The Elemental Magazine featuring the HOWDIES.

The Highnoon Saloon x The Lions Den: Ladies Night.

The Highnoon Saloon 2nd year anniversary

Howdy Housing Inc 'Housing Hell' Podcast with Emporium 2024

Enara & Mini's 2 year wedding anniversary 2024

Howdy x Rust Collaboration 2023

Howdy Secret Santa Event 2023

Howdy at Emporium's Nightmarket 2023

Howdy Discordia Podcast 2023


By Floraden Lavender

The deserts of southern Aldenard do we set our scene.
A Seawolf Roegadyn bounty hunter, her hair white as sandstone, disposition, lean and mean.
Across her travels far and wide, from frontier and civilized, she comes across younglings and strays.
Though her trade be violent and hard, the sight of each child, sends her heart into a craze.
One by one, she brings them to her homestead in the Thanalan fringes, soon enough the orphaned lot become a family.
Bound by chosen circumstance, not blood or gil. They called the bounty hunter "Grandmama" and lived most happily.
Eventually, Grandmama's body began to wane, though her aether was strong, she taught us all the rights and the wrongs.
Under an Umbral Moon, did we lay her to rest. At Highnoon did we make our pledge.
To be like Grandmama and provide hearth and home for those without. From Aldenard to Othard it did not matter.
Boi Howdies one an all we would make them, under the Highnoon Saloon, barriers between folk will shatter.
This the Tale of Highnoon. Boi Howdy to you and your kin, we'll be seeing you real soon.

Grandmama's Photo Album

Grandmama's life captured through her old camera.Want your own? Speak with Mini Simp on our opening nights!

Mini attempting to fix Grandmama's old family camera.

The Howdy Survey Corp

By Floraden Lavender

EORZEAN ALLIANCE DEPLOYMENT REPORT: 6022024UNIT: HOWDY SURVEY CORPS 1st SquadFIELD OF OPERATION: Borders between the Shroud and Gyr Abania (Rough Est.)OBJECTIVE: The defense of local townships and population settlements across the frontiers from dynamis monster incursion and invasion.REPORT: During the event which has been termed "The Final Days" a unit of the Howdy Survey Corps deployed alongside several Twin Adder Wailers and Ala Mhigan Fighters, as part of a joint state defensive action to defend the borders of their realm. It is known that the Warrior of Light and Scions of The Seventh Dawn were undertaking a mission to defeat the cause of the The Final Days, all assets and units were ordered to defend local population centers.ACTION LOG:At 0600 Howdy Survey Corp 1st Squad supported Eorzean Alliance forces in the defense of the town of Runner's Shade, a small settlement that sits near the Ala Mhigan border. Meet up and begin establishing defenses for the town.At 1100 Eorzean Alliance forces engaged with "Large and aggressive Mudpies" a particularly colossal target reportedly ate half a lancer battalion before being cut down by the Howdy Survey Corp 1st Squad.At 1345 Flaming celestial meteors impact several buildings, more colossal mudpies are observed appearing on the field.At 1830 1st Squad corpsmen Kith was gravely injured while fighting one of the dynamis spawn mudpies.The next day at 0900 All dynamis mudpies are observed to suddenly regress in size, becoming "docile."At 1100 Casualty lists are recorded, several Howdy Survey Corp soldiers are observed collecting several of the mudpies. Including one several Twin Adders referred to as a "Goldenpie".At 1430 All forces within the field of operation are ordered to return to their respective rally points. Support teams arrive into Runner's Shade.At 1500 The Howdy Survey Corps 1st Squad are dismissed from the field of operation.

ADDENDUM NOTE: The auditor scribe reading this better read my words here carefully, whoever wrote this drivel of a report needs to be reprimanded. We have no records of this "Howdy Survey Corps" existing let alone the existence of "Dynamis Mudpies." This report is also filthy and covered in brown stains and absolutely does not meet proper formatting and syntax for our documentations. I expect full rectification of our records before next moon. And the destruction of this copy.

Yukiko Yumimura


Once an arms dealer of explosives and trafficker of illegal goods and services, Yukiko would make port at many exotic towns and cities trading her goods around the world, before making home in Thanalan.
Yukiko still deals in hunting of exotic beasts with the help of her loud companions , one of which being fellow Highnoon employee Keiga Dawnstar.
Yukiko joined the employ of the Highnoon Saloon after a deal to offload rifles and cannons with the Saloon. Hopefully more opportunities arise for a quick sale.

Yana Tumet


Inviting - Sweet - SpicyNobody knows where Yana came from. She just kinda.. showed up one day. One thing's for sure though: She has a spot by the corner of the bar, and most likely doesn't leave it. When asked, she prefers not to answer of her origin. Maybe it's for the better, as her Xaela blood only seems to boil when pressed further.Speculations would arise on where she came from, perhaps a good cleaner in a previous establishment, considering her 'mudpie' is a creamy white, and smells of bleach. The other staff don't complain, and the patrons seem happy whenever they talk to her. Specially when she takes them behind closed doors.

Blake Yoru


Some tales are best hidden...

Enara Luin

Persecutor / Judge

Some tales are best hidden...

Keiga Dawnstar


Feral - Wild - MysticalBorn in the dense jungles of Tuliyollal. The elder of the two sisters, half Hrothgar, half Miqo'te. Thick fur covers her body taken after her Fathers' Hrothgar side. Leader of the Clan of the Beast, Amazonian huntress and deliverer of Voodoo magics.Being the spiritual leader of the Clan, Keiga is afforded the freedom to delve into new and unspoken magic; Voodoo. As of late her skill in controlling Voodoo has started to grow.Recently has been spotted hanging and lounging around the Highnoon Saloon, normally scrubbing the floors or tending to guests.

Kith Fusion


Grandmama's first adopted child, and the eldest. Dunefolk Lalafel named Kith Fusion. According to Grandmama, he was found while stealing from her onion garden. At first, mistaking him for a rotten onion. Her most memorable parental challenge while raising him was: Kith refusing to eat broccoli. So Grandmama made him eat a lemon, forcing Kith to grow up fast (mentally).Through harsh discipline, Grandmama turned this (mostly) mature Lalafel into a savvy barkeep. He had learned all of his mixology tricks, recipes and brews from her.

Jaimee Ainsworth


One day Jaimee had been out hunting for food in the forests of the Black Shroud, trying to get anything she could to feed herself for that day when she suddenly happened upon a rather imposing Roegadyn woman. After a few moments of silence, the Roegadyn asked "Whatcha doin' out here, young man?" with a smile. After explaining her situation and lack of food, the woman took Jaimee in, bringing her to a homestead in Thanalan.Jaimee can usually be found loitering around the saloon, if she's not up on the stage playing music that'll make you groan in disappointment.

Saturnia Lunette

Painter/ Craftswoman

Airhead - Daydreamer - RomanticPart time artisan, part time adventurer,
full-time saloon staff.
Saturnia is one of the newer additions of Howdy, offering her skillset mostly to help with tasks behind the scenes like cooking dishes.... and "photoshopping posters"; whatever that means.Saloon nights are her break time. You can find her mingling with staff and patrons, sipping apple juice, or people-watching on the top of the bar’s shelves.❤︎ Married to fellow saloon member, Puppis Breadcrumbs.

Felin Arolin


A free soul wanderer who stepped into the West land unintentionally. A rare chance encounter with the mysterious sheriff that built up an unbreakable bond. Felin, once a wanderer, now is an honorable member of the HOWDY.Often spotted gambling upstairs whenever the saloon is open, or patrolling around to help organize the patrons flow.

Tomyris Azariah


Sweet - Sassy - SarcasticAfter paying off Mini's tab at The Waking Sands, Tomyris agreed to travel with Mini back to their Saloon which needed help. After initially being shocked at the state the Saloon was in, Tomy helped Mini to clean it and establish proper financial logs, along with showing her a new card game.Tomyris is now the bookkeeper of the Saloon and in charge of the Saloon's finances and manages the poker table, though she is still hesitant to let Mini spend any sum of gil larger then one-hundred thousand.

Arisu Kurokami

Head Officer

A chance encounter with Felin and Mini has brought this Hyur to the Saloon. Exhausted and wary of his new surroundings Arisu didn’t speak to anyone at first, but after noticing how his newfound friends behave he slowly shows his true colors. Tends to be serious most of the time, but will joke along with patrons every now and then. Even then, there is more to him than meets the eye.Arisu can be found outside of the Saloon, keeping track of the guests that walk through the door.

Floraden Lavender


One of the only Sea Wolf Roegadyn Grandmama adopted, Floraden grew out of her once closed off demeanor and became one of the homestead's most steadfast and passionate members. Flo, as she is often called, is eager to see what the realms have in store for her and her fellows.You will most often see Floraden tending behind the saloon's bar, usually with a book in hand with her tall stature granting her a wide view of the venue.

Mordred Decima


Some tales are best hidden...

Mini simp


Illiterate - Optimistic - MudpieAdopted into the homestead Highnoon by the legendary bandit Grandmama. She taught Mini at a young age to always go for what their little heart desires, even if it involves breaking the law. Mini, excited and now having the opportunity to see what lays beyond their sheltered life at the Ranch eagerly searches for new adventure.You usually see Mini around the saloon helping ushering guests, welcoming them with a hearty Boi Howdy! or running the poker.❤︎ Married to the lovely, Enara Luin.

Bar & Lounge


BartenderPrice (gil)
All Drinks & Food2k

== To Drink ==
Whiskey, Moonshine, Beer, Wines, Ale, Spirits, Apple Juice & "Piss on the Rocks" *
== To Eat ==
Jerked Beef, Grilled Trout, Howdy Snag(Sausage)

Bar ServicesPrice (gil)
Hourly bar buyouts300k
All night buyout500k
Champagne calls200k

(Includes custom yell from buyer)